Download our Sponsorship Brochure
TITLE Sponsor ($5000+)
- Four tickets to the gala
- Name and Full Page ad in program
- Banner on site with Logo
- May distribute commemorative gifts to guests (at sponsor’s cost)
- Space for table display
- Website thank you with link to sponsor
PLATINUM Sponsor ($2500)
- Three tickets to the gala
- Name and 1/2 Page ad in program
- May distribute commemorative gifts to guests (at sponsor’s cost)
- Website thank you with link to sponsor
GOLD Sponsor ($1500)
- Two tickets to the gala
- Name and 1/4 Page ad in program
- May distribute commemorative gifts to guests (at sponsor’s cost)
- Website thank you with link to sponsor
SILVER Sponsor ($1000)
- Two tickets to the gala
- Name and 1/8 Page ad in program
- May distribute commemorative gifts to guests (at sponsor’s cost)
- Website thank you with link to sponsor
BRONZE Sponsor ($500)
- One ticket to the gala
- Name listed in program
- Website thank you with link to sponsor
TITANIUM Contributor ($5000+)
- Four tickets to the gala
- Name listed in program
PLATINUM Contributor ($2500-4999)
- Three tickets to the gala
- Name listed in program
GOLD Contributor ($1500-2499)
- Two tickets to the gala
- Name listed in program
SILVER Contributor ($1000-1499)
- Two tickets to the gala
- Name listed in program
BRONZE Contributor ($500-999)
- One ticket to the gala
- Name listed in program
PATRON Contributor ($250-499)
- Name listed in program
FUND our Mission
- All gifts are welcome
All Advertising Sponsors and Contributors are encouraged to bring a full table of 8 attendees to the banquet. Additional tickets are $75 each.

Download and print our Sponsor Commitment Form to mail with your check.
Sending a check saves the foundation card processing fees, money that can be used for our projects and charities.

Quickly sponsor smaller amounts using your credit or debit card with our online contribution form here.